This is an image of Ai, the main character of ''Destiny's Child'', drawn by Oda

Current Projects

Sailor Stars Manga Radioplay

This one oughta be a cich to explain!  We are taking the Sailor Moon Stars manga, and radioplaying it!  Don't know the story of Sailor Stars?  For more information, we suggest a multitude of Sailor Moon sites.  But this is the series with the Three Lights, Galaxia, and of course, the tiny tyke Chibi Chibi!


Destiny's Child Fanfic Radioplay

What would happen if a mysterious Senshi of a planet thought dead appeared in the middle of the S season?  Lots, as it turns out in this fic by Odango.  One of the things you learn quickly, is that messing with the future is not always a bad thing...